by admin | Apr 15, 2017 | Lenten Devotional
Joseph of Arimathea, Mark 15: 42-47 Joseph of Arimathea is mentioned in all four gospels as the man responsible for Jesus’ burial. Typically, the bodies of criminals were not buried, they were burned like trash outside the city walls in the Himmon Valley. In Greek, it...
by admin | Apr 14, 2017 | Lenten Devotional
Crucifixion guard, Matthew 27: 45-54 I cannot imagine a job more terrible than brutally hurting people, day in and day out. To hear the constant screams of the people you are torturing, to see them contort in pain and agony, to have them beg you to stop. I know I...
by admin | Apr 13, 2017 | Lenten Devotional
Malchus, Luke 22:47-53 Well, I learned something new! I could not figure out how the author knew the name of the high priest’s servant – I had never heard it before. But it is given to us in John’s version of the story (John 18). Imagine what it was going to be like...
by admin | Apr 12, 2017 | Lenten Devotional
Judas, John 12:4-8 I don’t think that Judas was just trying to get back at Jesus, I think he was trying to ‘help’ him. It has long been believed that Judas was associated with the Zealots – a sect within Judaism that wanted to get rid of the Romans, and for them it...
by admin | Apr 11, 2017 | Lenten Devotional
Mary; Mark 14:3-9 NOT John 12:1-3 No offense to the author of these devotions but he picked the wrong person in the wrong gospel to tell this story. The woman with the perfume in John’s gospel isn’t the one that is so unique. It is the woman in Mark’s gospel that...