by admin | Mar 14, 2017 | Lenten Devotional
Luke 2:40 – 52, Temple Teachers So many thoughts and so many ways to deal with this passage, that I cannot decide and I am running late for church. My spirit goes between: 1. Time flies. Now we are here with Jesus when he is 12 years old when he was just 8 days old in...
by admin | Mar 14, 2017 | Lenten Devotional
Luke 2: 22-38: Anna & Simeon Does anyone else think it’s strange that we never hear anything about Mary or Joseph’s parents or family members? I mean someone in Mary’s family had to arrange her betrothal to Joseph, right? We have legends about Mary’s mother, St...
by admin | Mar 14, 2017 | Lenten Devotional
To curry favor. That phrase stuck out in today’s devotion. When I looked up the meaning of the phrase, I found that it comes from a French poem, Roman de Fauvel, written in the early 1300s. Fauvel was a horse — a conniving stallion, ambitious and vain, who...
by admin | Mar 14, 2017 | Lenten Devotional
The scripture passage for today is so familiar that we could all probably recite it by heart. But it was the devotion that really caught me off guard. I don’t know about you but the shepherds I see in our Christmas pageants are not dirty or smelly, they are adorable....
by admin | Mar 14, 2017 | Lenten Devotional
This first person that we hear from on our Lenten journey is Mary, Jesus’ mother. That makes perfect sense because the mother is usually the first person to be aware of a child growing inside of her. Whether this child is a surprise to us (as it was with Mary) or we...